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Couples Counseling

Our intimate relationships are some of the most important connections we have in our lives. Yet, due to the hectic nature of life, we can find them falling down the priority ladder.  If you have found my site, it most likely means that you are recognizing that your relationship could use some nourishment and attention.  Congratulations on taking the first step in moving your relationship to the level it deserves as you contemplate attending couples counseling! 


Couples counseling can look very different depending on the couple who is engaged in it.  My couples counseling approach is informed by the work of Dr. David Richo and his Five Keys To Mindful Loving  and the Gottman Institute.  During our time together, my main focus will be on "the relationship" between the clients sitting with me.  This may mean at times I ask to meet with each member of the relationship individually or recommend that one or both members of the couple seek outside counseling beyond their relationship counseling.   

Zebra Couple
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